와우클래식로그사이트와 연동문제

클래식 로그스 사이트에 캐릭터를 등록하려하는데
Unable to locate any forum activity for this character. You must have a public World of Warcraft Classic forum profile to continue the import process. To create a forum profile, all you have to do is change your active forum character to the one you want to import. You do not have to post to the forums.

라고 뜹니다. 이걸 해결하고 싶은데 방법을 알려주세요

좋아요 9개


좋아요 1개

Unable to locate any forum activity for this character. You must have a public World of Warcraft Classic forum profile to continue the import process. To create a forum profile, all you have to do is change your active forum character to the one you want to import. You do not have to post to the forums.



!!! 저도하고싶어요 ㅠㅠ 하시면 저도 알려주세요~~

저도 궁금하네요… ㅜㅜ 이건 어디서 찾을 수 있는 건지…

어떻게 하는건가요 !!

해결하신분 댓글 좀 부탁드려요


어떻게 하는건가요 !!

해결하신분 댓글 좀 부탁드려요

Unable to locate any forum activity for this character. You must have a public World of Warcraft Classic forum profile to continue the import process. To create a forum profile, all you have to do is change your active forum character to the one you want to import. You do not have to post to the forums.


Unable to locate any forum activity for this character. You must have a public World of Warcraft Classic forum profile to continue the import process. To create a forum profile, all you have to do is change your active forum character to the one you want to import. You do not have to post to the forums.






저도 궁금함!!!

There are two ways to claim a character:

  1. Upload a Log With That Character

The first way is the easiest one and only requires you to combat log and upload a log with that character. Learn about how to get started on combat logging in our article. Uploading a log made with the character you wish to claim will claim it for you.

  1. Blizzard Forum Activity

The second way is through using Blizzard Forum activity. This way requires the character to exist on Warcraft Logs before you can claim. If you can find the character page through the search bar, you’ll be able to claim it to your WCL account.

To claim a character on the site, you need to create a Blizzard forum activity page for your character. All you need to do is go to the Blizzard forums and select your character. This will create the activity page and you’ll be able to use the form at the bottom of this page.

If you are located in Europe, and you are on a non-English realm, you need to use the language-specific Blizzard forums, e.g., French, German, Russian, etc. You must use the correct language forums for your server!

If your forum activity is stale and shows you in the wrong guild (or no guild), you will need to like a post on the forums. This will force your Blizzard forum activity to update, and then your guild should update to match your current one. You do not need to make an actual forum post. Simply liking a post is enough to force the activity to update.