한국지사한테 화낸다고 뭐 해결 될 일도 아니고 그냥 전달만 좀 해주세요.
카드게임으로 돈 버는 사람들이 너무 무책임한 거 같고 진짜 게임의 운영을 1도 생각 안하는 거 같아서 이 말 꼭 좀 전달해주십셔.
Dear Card Balance Organizer, Blizzard USA.
Hello from Korea, asking for your regards.
I’m a Hearthstone player who has been playing the game for almost 10 years now.
player since Hearthstone opened.
I always have a lot of fun and appreciate the people who made this game.
But I’m thankful for the people who made this game, not you.
** You’re a company that runs a card game and you can’t run a card game like this? Yu-Gi-Oh is still a company that has been running for over 30 years and is always worried about card balance, even if it’s offline, because they’re afraid it’s going to be unbalanced. But what kind of push level balance are you doing?**
Do you think the game ecosystem will take care of itself after the expansion?
**If you’ve been running your own card game for 10 years, you should accumulate your own know-how and release cards. It’s not like elementary school students are in charge of game balance, and your ignorant way of operating makes the people who play the game more stressed. If you ran a game like that in Korea, you wouldn’t immediately post an explanation video to the community. **
I want to say all the swear words I want, but I’m writing this because I think you’re going to say something about community misbehavior again. If you’re a game planner, run the game like a planner. If you’re a jerk, write your resignation. I’m sure I’m not the only one who doesn’t feel any love for your game.
고생 많으십니다.
그리고 꼭 좀 전달해주십셔.
“재밌는 농담이니 가끔 이런 의견 들어서 아무렇지도 않다.”
이딴 소리 할 거면 다른 직장이나 알아보라고 말해주고 싶네요.