게임 로딩 20%정도에서 게임이 종료되는 현상

게임 시작을 누르면 로딩 20%정도 가서 아무것도 뜨지 않고 꺼집니다.

  1. 컴퓨터 재부팅
  2. 히오스 재설치
  3. 히오스 검사 및 복구
  4. 그래픽카드 드라이버 업그레이드
  5. 그래픽카드 DDU 완전 제거 및 재설치
  6. 윈도우10 업데이트
  7. 배틀넷 앱 캐시삭제 및 재설치(%programdata%)
  8. 각종 멀웨어 탐지 프로그램 돌려봄
  9. 백그라운드에 도는 프로그램 다 종료해봄

까지 해보았지만 안됩니다.

에러로그는 다음과 같구요

GFX 13:16:11.856 ====================================================================================================
GFX 13:16:11.856 Heroes of the Storm (B85027)
GFX 13:16:11.856
GFX 13:16:11.856 Executable D:\Games\Heroes of the Storm\Versions\Base85027\HeroesOfTheStorm_x64.exe
GFX 13:16:11.856 -sso=1 -launch -uid heroes
GFX 13:16:11.856 Parent Executable \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Games\Heroes of the Storm\Support64\HeroesSwitcher_x64.exe
GFX 13:16:11.856 Grandparent Executable \Device\HarddiskVolume7\Program Files (x86)\Battle.net\Battle.net.exe
GFX 13:16:11.856 LocalTime 2021-05-28 13:16:11.856
GFX 13:16:11.856 sklee
GFX 13:16:11.856 <Exe.Architecture> x86_64
GFX 13:16:11.856
GFX 13:16:11.856 B85027
GFX 13:16:11.856 branches/Heroes.54
GFX 13:16:11.856 628152
GFX 13:16:11.856 <Locale.Assets> koKR
GFX 13:16:11.856 <Locale.Data> koKR
GFX 13:16:11.856 <Locale.Install> koKR
GFX 13:16:11.856
GFX 13:16:11.856
GFX 13:16:11.856 TelemetrySessionId 3667DBDD-4FC4-4F3F-B8F0-B000E178E857
GFX 13:16:11.856 ====================================================================================================
GFX 13:16:11.854 DXGI: Available
GFX 13:16:11.907 VRAM Override Variables: Dedicated [0MB] Shared [0MB]
GFX 13:16:12.057 Adapter “NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER” Vendor 0x4318 Device 0x4318
GFX 13:16:12.057 Adapter “Microsoft Basic Render Driver” Vendor 0x5140 Device 0x5140
GFX 13:16:12.057 Skipped adapter “Microsoft Basic Render Driver” because no outputs
GFX 13:16:12.057 Attempting D3D11 device creation on “NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER”
GFX 13:16:12.473 Device creation success.
GFX 13:16:12.474 VRAM Override Variables: Dedicated [0MB] Shared [0MB]
GFX 13:16:12.475 VRAM Override Variables: Dedicated [0MB] Shared [0MB]
GFX 13:16:12.475 Initialized D3D11 GraphicsDevice: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER (Driver Version: 0.46647.0.0, VRAM: 8011MB, SVMEM: 16351MB).
GFX 13:16:12.475 Setting up swap chain.
GFX 13:16:12.475 Found matching display mode width: 1920 height: 1080 RRN: 144001 RRD: 1000
GFX 13:16:12.476 Resizing D3D11 swap chain (1920x1080)
GFX 13:16:12.476 Hardware Depth Sampling: Available
GFX 13:16:12.490 Resource Cache Override Variable: 0MB
GFX 13:16:12.490 Resource Cache: 2048MB Win64 (32702MB Physical, 29414MB Process Virtual)
GFX 13:16:12.490 Resource Cache Sound: 460MB
GFX 13:16:12.490 Resource Cache Common: 450MB
GFX 13:16:12.490 Resource Cache Texture Max: 1500MB
GFX 13:16:14.750 PerfNotifiers initialized
GFX 13:16:14.798 Setting up swap chain.
GFX 13:16:14.799 Found matching display mode width: 1920 height: 1080 RRN: 144001 RRD: 1000
GFX 13:16:14.799 Resizing D3D11 swap chain (1920x1080)
GFX 13:16:14.812 Resource Cache Texture: 950MB
GFX 13:16:14.812 Resource Cache Texture Used: 0MB
GFX 13:16:26.042 Focus Event. Changing to fullscreen.
GFX 13:16:40.385 WARNING: Texture DB does not match file info or file is corrupt for assets\textures\storm_ui_hud_tracer_stuck_text.dds


제 사양은 Intel I7 9700 (3.00GHZ) , RTZ2070 super 입니다.
모든 게임 다 돌아가는데 히오스만 안됩니다. 미치곘습니다.

WARNING: Texture DB does not match file info or file is corrupt for assets\textures\storm_ui_hud_tracer_stuck_text.dds

이 에러 검색해보니 중국, 유럽 등에서 많은 사람들이 겪었는데 아무도 해결된 사람이 없더라구요
답답해 죽겠습니다.